更新时间:2024-01-06 08:22:44
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  Dear parents and students

  First of all, let's express our warm welcome and most sincere thanks to all parents. Your arrival is not only a strong support and close cooperation for the work of senior three in our school, but also a comprehensive concern for your children. It is a strong proof that you are willing to be a strong backing for your children. Your support and cooperation is an important guarantee for the success of the 10th senior high school entrance examination. Thank you!

  Time flies, the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer to us. In the sprint stage of your child's study, parents and teachers should pay more attention to their children, keep in touch with each other, and grasp their thoughts, learning and life trends at any time, so as to do a good job in education and guidance in time, make them study more quietly, do their best, make continuous progress, and strive to achieve excellence in the college entrance examination Different grades. This is also the purpose and wish of our parents' meeting.

  Next, I would like to introduce the leaders and teachers who attended the meeting.

  Our school has trained a large number of talents for the country and society in more than 50 years. In the 1990s, with the adjustment of national education policy and the emergence of key high schools, the dominant position has been weakened, but the leaders and teachers of our school are sticking to it, because they firmly believe that there are many students who are excluded from key high schools, eager to enter the palace of university through receiving high school education; Because they know that there are still many students who want to receive a complete education from primary school to high school, so as to lay a solid foundation for their life. To this end, our school based on the school situation, not complaining, pay close attention to teaching, seriously run education, over the years out of a unique road. Now let's invite President Li to introduce the education and teaching situation of the school.

  Senior three is a key year in the journey of life, bearing the dream and hope of students and parents. The college entrance examination is a comprehensive examination, which tests not only knowledge, ability, but also psychology, teachers, schools and parents. And each of our parents hopes that their children will have a bright future and become useful pillars of the country. The more they love, the more they seek. So, in the year of senior three, how can we be a good "logistics minister" and "coordinator" for our children? Let's listen to the suggestions of the current senior three grade director who has been a senior three class teacher and Chinese teaching for a long time. Who said inch grass heart, reported three spring sunshine. In the eyes of parents, children do not know the world, they are still young. But in the hearts of their children, they want to say to their parents, mom and Dad, we have grown up, although we seem rebellious. In fact, we understand your good intentions. You are all for our good. Now let's listen to the children's heart. Let's welcome the student representatives to speak.

  How many amazing people in the world, no more than the human parent love! Since ancient times, family feeling heaven and earth, Yongquan can't hold parents! Now let's invite all the students to express their deepest respect to their parents. (Chorus mother)

  Father love is like mountain, mother love is like sea, love is broad, love is deep, love is selfless. Now let's invite parents to speak freely.

  Dear parents, it is our common responsibility to cultivate talents, and our common goal is to do everything for our children. Let us parents, teachers and students hand in hand, heart to heart, work together to overcome difficulties, let students with full spirit to meet the exam, wish them excellent results. This year's senior three students are a group of students who are willing to learn and are good at learning. They are a group of students who will surely be successful in learning, and they are a group of students who will satisfy their parents. The three years of study and life in Matun high school have cultivated their good sentiment, honed their strong will and shaped their excellent quality. We wish them all the best in this year's college entrance examination, which can satisfy their parents and teachers, and realize their dreams and expectations. Finally, I wish all parents and teachers good health and all families happiness!


  Dear teachers and parents

  hello everyone!

  I'm Wang's mother in class two, grade four. First of all, I would like to thank the head teacher, Mr. Lou, for giving me such a good opportunity to discuss the problem of educating children with you. Thank you very much for your careful training. Every little bit of progress of children in school is permeated with the hard work of teachers. Here, on behalf of the parents here, please allow me to say to the hard-working teachers: Thank you, you have worked hard.

  In fact, when it comes to family education experience, compared with other parents, I have not done enough. As the saying goes, "parents are the first teachers of children". Many good qualities and habits of children need to be properly guided and supervised by parents at home. I will briefly introduce my own practice

  1、 Praise and encourage children more

  Some people say, "good children are boastful." I very much agree with this view. As long as the child makes some progress, she should be praised in time to give her a sense of achievement. They are like a seedling. They should give them self-confidence. When they step back, they should try not to scold her face to face or compare her with other children. As long as they work hard, they can. Next time you can refuel, parents should always encourage and praise children, children will have excellent performance.

  2、 Cultivate children's consciousness and form good habits

  I always ask Wang --- to go home from school to do homework. Family members are not allowed to disturb when doing homework. Our parents ask our children to read more books and read good books, because learning is for themselves. So no matter what books she likes, she can buy them. If we want our children to love reading, we should first set an example and develop the habit of loving reading. When parents read, their children will follow suit and the habit will be formed Habit is not formed overnight, so we should persevere and accumulate it over time.

  3、 Cultivate children's independence

  In the past, I did everything in detail. As a result, I developed a child's psychological dependence. Now I let her do what she can. She already knows how to take care of herself and has strong independence.

  Looking at the changes of children day by day, as a parent, I see them in my eyes and like them in my heart. I know that every progress she has made is inseparable from the earnest instruction of teachers, the selfless help of students and the hard work of parents. I believe that with our company and teachers' scientific guidance, children will grow up healthily, and she will be our pride.

  Thank you.


  Dear parents and friends

  Good morning, everyone!

  Thank you very much for your time and support.

  In order to let parents and friends know more about your children's study and life in school, better enhance home school communication and exchange, and promote children's all-round development, this morning, we held the autumn parents' meeting of "giving children the power to grow".

  There are four items in this meeting. Please set your mobile phone to vibrate or mute before the meeting. Thank you for your cooperation.

  The toilet is located in the South and north of the lecture hall, about 10 meters away from the venue.

  Now, please allow me to introduce to all parents and friends present here the leaders of the school who participated in this meeting: the head of the school - the principal, the Party branch of the school, the beautiful vice principal, and me - the vice principal of the school.

  In order to facilitate home school communication, the address book of the school's leading group is now put on the big screen. Please keep a record of your parents and friends. If you have any opinions and suggestions on the work of the school and teachers, you can contact us directly.

  Let's start with the first item.

  Let's welcome the director of the school's moral education department to introduce our school's practice and requirements in "emotional and intellectual moral education management" for parents and friends.

  The second item of the meeting is for the school principal to speak.

  -The headmaster is a well-known expert research-oriented headmaster in our city. He has rich experience in school running and management, and has unique understanding and opinions on education and teaching. Many parents and friends here must know and know him. Let's welcome him with warm applause.

  The third item of the meeting is to ask the director of the school's teaching department to make a special report on reading "buckle the first button of life for children".

  -The director is a representative of outstanding teachers in our school. She is a member of the - th and - th CPPCC municipal committee, an outstanding teacher of the national new education experiment, an outstanding teacher of the province, a good teacher of the city, a model of the city's teachers' morality, a teaching expert of the city, and a leader of the city's discipline. She gave lectures successively for the new education writing training class, the pre job training for the newly recruited teachers, and the professional development training for teachers in some cities, districts and schools.

  She attaches great importance to the cultivation of students' daily reading habits. Nine students in class 4, grade 3 read more than 500 books, and the average reading of the whole class is more than 200. She led the students to recite the classics of traditional Chinese culture, and the students could recite nearly 300 classic poems. It was shown in the new education open week and the city poetry teaching recitation seminar, which was well received. This year, the classic recitation program --, participated by the whole class, won the first prize of the city. Now, let's welcome the director to give us a report.

  At the fourth meeting, the school leaders were invited to issue letters of appointment to the newly elected members of the school family Committee.

  They are: member of the school family Committee - grade class classmate's father --- grade class classmate's mother --- Secretary General of the school family Committee: - grade class classmate's mother --- deputy director of the school family Committee: - grade class classmate's father --- director of the school family Committee: - grade class classmate ' Give them the letter of appointment. Let's applaud!

  Dear parents, this is the end of the first session. Thank you for your patience and warm applause.

  Please go back to your children's class for the second part of the meeting, and communicate with the class teachers in a zero distance, so as to understand your children's school life. Please fill in your feedback form and put it into the suggestion box at the east gate of the school when you leave school. Thank you for your cooperation.

  Please don't leave your mobile phone, keys, handbags, etc. goodbye.









